Two levels of genome-wide screening

PrenatalSAFE Karyo

Like most NIPTs, it can screen for common chromosomal abnormalities, such as Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome), Trisomy 18 (Edwards Syndrome), Trisomy 13 (Patau Syndrome) and sex chromosome aneuploidies (Monosomy X, Trisomy X, XXY and XYY). But it can also find other chromosomal changes that may go undiagnosed at birth, such as structural chromosomal aberrations (deletions or duplications), rare aneuploidies (e.g. Trisomy 9, 16, 22), across the entire fetal genome, and analyzes 9 clinically significant microdeletion regions, something other NIPTs do not currently do.

PrenatalSAFE Karyo

screens for common aneuploidies, structural chromosomal aberrations (deletions or duplications), rare aneuploidies (e.g. Trisomy 9, 16, 22), across the entire fetal genome.

PrenatalSAFE Karyo
PrenatalSAFE Karyo
PrenatalSAFE Karyo PLUS

screens for the chromosomal abnormalities tested with PrenatalSafe® Karyo test, but also analyzes 9 clinically significant microdeletion regions, providing information about gains or losses of chromosome material = 7 Mb across the fetal genome

PrenatalSAFE Karyo PLUS
PrenatalSAFE Karyo PLUS

This test option should be considered when there are specific indications indicating an increased risk of one of these microdeletion syndromes. Typical clinical indications include, but are not limited to:
• Ultrasound imaging suggestive of a specific microdeletion syndrome
• Previous history of a pregnancy diagnosed with, or a child affected with, one of these conditions.
This test is not recommended in an unselected/low risk cohort, where the PrenatalSafe® Karyo test should be considered instead.


The first non invasive prenatal test that screens for genome-wide chromosomal abnormalities and severe genetics disorders in the fetus


PrenatalSafe Complete represents the evolution of NIPT. It works as a complementary screen to traditional and genome-wide NIPT PrenatalSafe® Karyo. PrenatalSafe Complete screens for several life-altering genetic disorders that are not screened with current NIPT technology, allowing a more complete picture of the risk of a pregnancy being affected by a genetic disorder.